America Jamaica 1.060 murders have been committed in Jamaica in the first 11 months of 2024, according to statistics by the Constabulary Force; over the past 5 years, the country was surpassed only by Haiti as per highest number of homicides in the Caribbean
America Jamaica Students in rural areas will begin to benefit from a dedicated system of 60 school buses starting in September 2025; the first phase of the project is already underway, with Jamaica Urban Transit Company expanding services in several areas
America Jamaica The Jamaica Fire Brigade has urged people to adopt the habit of closing bedroom doors while sleeping, stating that this practice can increase the chances of survival and reduce the spread of fires
America Jamaica The parliamentary year 2025/2026 began on Thursday, 13 February 2025, with the traditional opening ceremony of Parliament at Gordon House
America Jamaica Before the end of the fiscal year 2024/25,work is scheduled to begin on 100 roads under the Shared Prosperity through Accelerated Improvement to our Road Network programme