Oceania Solomon Islands 41 participants from Rendova and Munda in Western Province completed a three-day food safety and hygiene training last week at Titiru Eco lodge supported by the Ministry of Health and Medical Services' Food Safety Unit
Oceania Solomon Islands The press conference of the Aelan Riddim Music Festival announced the highly anticipated presence of trending Solomon Island performers and introduced the five headlining guest artists from Papua New Guinea who will be hosted in Honiara this year
Oceania Solomon Islands A Solomon Islands delegation is attending the first General Assembly of the International Organisation for Aid to Navigation; the team is led by Manasseh Maelanga, Minister of Infrastructure Development
Oceania Solomon Islands The country is preparing to host the Honiara Summit 2025, an international meeting focusing on Sustainable Development Goal 14.4: Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Oceania Solomon Islands Australia's Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister, Richard Marles, travelled to the Solomon Islands for a series of high-level talks, meeting Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele and other government ministers