America Bahamas A $35 million water facility planned for the Nassau cruise port will further improve the offer but will only cater to a small fraction of the tens of thousands of cruise passengers who disembark weekly
America Bahamas Almost 500 retired civil servants have been re-employed by the government, Minister of Labour and Civil Service Pia Glover-Rolle confirmed
America Bahamas Aisha Bowe, Bahamian aerospace engineer and future astronaut, former NASA rocket scientist and technology entrepreneur, has been appointed as the country's official collaboration advisor after the historic agreement with SpaceX
America Bahamas Central Grand Bahama MP Iram Lewis called on the Davis administration to save the Dundas Centre for the Performing Arts, which needs $400.000 to keep its doors open
America Bahamas The pending industry agreements with the Bahamas Physician's Union and the Consultant Physician Staff Association could be finalised and signed by early February according to Labour Minister Pia Glover-Rolle