Africa Chad A MoU was signed with neighboring Libya aimed to enhance joint cooperation in several areas, including moving workforce, protecting the rights of workers and employers and organize the presence of Chadian labor in Libya legally
Africa Chad A proposal to support divorced women, providing them with better protection, is causing controversy and has led the government to take distance
Africa Chad Boko Haram no longer has 'any refuge on Chadian territory', the Chadian army announced, announcing the end of the counteroffensive against the terrorist group in the Lake Chad region, in the west of the country
Africa Chad As a fundamental step in the process of establishing the new institutions, the President of the Republic summoned the elected deputies of the Fourth Legislature of the National Assembly for their inauguration
Africa Chad An ordinance introducing measures to prevent and suppress violence against women and girls was passed 72 hours after the launch of an online petition, initiated by the Ligue Tchadienne des Droits de la Femme