Europe North Macedonia Experts and observers have pointed out that the country should quickly develop a long-term strategy in waste management, as the recycling rate is too low to be sustainable
Europe North Macedonia Sashko Nasev, ambassador at the North Macedonian embassy to China, won the Global Fred Award for his contributions on international stages in the field of cultural outreach and education
Europe North Macedonia The country in 2024 saw political change fuel fears of return to ethnic strife as the country’s biggest ethnic Albanian party, long used to power, was relegated to opposition benches and may stir up ethnic tension in a bid to regain its lost status
Europe North Macedonia The Constitutional Court will not rule immediately over the disputed constitutionality of the country’s language 2018 law, but will hold a preparatory meeting soon, to hear international experts’ opinions before making any decisions
Europe North Macedonia The government has approved a second loan of €500 million from Hungary, which will be used to repay a Eurobond issued by the previous government in 2018, due to mature on 25 January 2025