Europe Denmark Although women still lead the way, new data from Danmarks Statistik shows an 18% increase over 2015 in men applying for paternity leave, thanks in part to government measures
Europe Denmark Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil, candidate for mayor of Copenhagen, has made public her plan over Airbnb's rules in Copenhagen: one would only be allowed to rent the house of the address registered as usual living
Europe Denmark The Supreme Court has ruled in favour of trade union FOA in a case against the Danish Labour Market Insurance and the Appeals Board, a decision that could lead to damages of up to DKK 2,5 billion (€335.059.000) for around 25.000 workers in flexible jobs
Europe Denmark The 'Greenland Issue' has taken center stage in international attention; as Danish PM wishes to speak to Donald Trump on the matter, the press focuses on the legal options available, saying Greenland can declare independence but cannot be ceded to US
Europe Denmark The new mapping by Arbejderbevægelsens Erhvervsråd, the labour business council, is based on 2023 figures and shows that incomes of top 1% of high earners increased by almost 15% despite inflation, while the average citizen suffered a drop in income