Africa Angola Angola ranked 4th among the 18 Central and Southern African countries for the best response to HIV-AIDS, according to the Global HIV-AIDS Surveillance Agency, behind Botswana, Namibia and South Africa
Africa Angola 18.850 jobs were reportedly created in Angola from January to March 2025, "showing signs of greater productivity", said the Minister of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security
Africa Angola The country made history at the African Fencing Championships that ended Thursday in Luanda, winning its first international medals since the creation of the fencing federation in Angola ten years ago
Africa Angola The IMF has called for more austerity in Angola to combat the budget slippage from 2021, warning that the country needs to intensify its budget consolidation efforts
Africa Angola The country submitted a proposal for the exemption of 5.408 duty tariff lines, corresponding to 90% of the country's duty tariffs, to fully join the Southern African Development Community Trade Protocol