Europe Netherlands Around 40% of people who receive disability benefits from the UWV social security agency because they cannot work for health problems have psychiatric problems; the national statistics office CBS counted 365.000 men and 394.000 women in 2020
Europe Netherlands The Court of Rottdertam sentenced a man for the first time in history for sexually assaulting a woman in the street; the law was amended to make it a punishable offence on 1 July
Europe Netherlands Registration will be open for specialised centres for long-term COVID patients who can register via their general practitioners in just over one month, from 1 November; the first centres to open will be Maastricht UMC+, Amsterdam UMC and Erasmus MC
Europe Netherlands A consortium of municipalities, private investors and industry organisations has warned that if the Council of Ministers applies all measures planned for art and culture, i.e. VAT from 9% to 21%, the sector will lose EUR 350 million per year
Europe Netherlands The new cabinet removed the national nature restoration plan and nitrogen emission policy: provinces are now no longer required to continue the current nature restoration and nitrogen precipitation reduction programme