Europe Austria Austria reached the top ten of the world's most visited international destinations in 2022, according to a recent report by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation
Europe Austria In 2024, for the first time in sixteen years, Austria's trade balance was in surplus, with imports lowernthan exports, according to figures provided on Friday by Statistics Austria
Europe Austria After more than 40 years, the deposit for reusable glass bottles has been increased earlier this month from 9 cents (previously 1,2 Schillings) to 20 cents; brewery products are the most commonly sold in glass bottles
Europe Austria With the start of the tendering process for online casino licences, online gambling operators expect an end to the decades-long gambling monopoly and the opening of the online market
Europe Austria According to data from Austrian Wine Marketing Board, the wine exports in 2024 are expected to decrease from the previous year's record figures; for the first 9 months of 2024, export sales registered -5,1% in value to €175,3 million