America Bolivia Bolivian social organisations began to collect the 1,5 million signatures necessary to call for a referendum on the reform of the Judicial Power, which has been questioned by international organisations for its lack of independence
America Bolivia Experts warn that Bolivia’s lithium extraction deals with China and Russia lack environmental studies and community participation, raising concerns over transparency, social impact, and environmental risks
America Bolivia Ex-president Evo Morales launched a fourth presidential bid despite a constitutional term limit and criminal charges, claiming political persecution by rival President Luis Arce, as the country is facing economic turmoil ahead of the August elections
America Bolivia Plan to exploit Bolivia's lithium with Chinese and Russian firms is sparking protests, as citizens are demanding contract annulments over environmental concerns, water use, and low royalties, forcing government officials to suspend the project
America Bolivia Bolivia expressed concern over Argentina's plan to build a 200-meter fence at the Aguas Blancas border, urging that border issues be addressed diplomatically to avoid unilateral actions that could harm relations between the two nations