America Dominica Dominica's Financial Services Unit has been honoured with the prestigious Wealth and Finance International Award as the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of the Year 2024 for the Caribbean region
America Dominica The Dominica Geothermal Development Company Limited invited residents of Fond Colé and surrounding areas to a community meeting to receive an update on the construction of the geothermal power plant and the new electricity transmission grid
America Dominica Dominica celebrated the arrival of the MV Villa Vie Odyssey, the first cruise call of the 2024/2025 season at the Roseau Cruise Ship Berth; Dominica has received over 10 cruise ships for a total of 30.000 passengers and 65.000 are expected in December
America Dominica Dominica's human rights situation is to be examined for the fourth time by the UN Council's Working Group for the Universal Periodic Review
America Dominica Dominica State College has initiated a project focused on online education in collaboration with the Commonwealth of Learning and the Virtual University for the Small Commonwealth States to develop a minimum of 15 online courses by the conclusion