Oceania Vanuatu Edwin Taribiti, a patient with kidney disease, has become the first patient in the country to undergo kidney surgery and start dialysis
Oceania Vanuatu The demand for technical and vocational education in Vanuatu is gaining popularity; in the programmes approved by the Vanuatu Qualifications Authority there are about 1.000 students enrolled, many of whom attend the Vanuatu Institute of Technology
Oceania Vanuatu The demolition and reconstruction of Malapoa College buildings, damaged in last month's earthquake, will cost over VT 2,4 billion (€ 18.813.000); severe damage was caused to 24 classrooms, 8 laboratories, two-storey dormitories and the dining hall
Oceania Vanuatu At least 12.500 children in Vanuatu have to start the school year in temporary learning centres after earthquakes in December destroyed or damaged over 100 classrooms
Oceania Vanuatu The Vanuatu Cricket Association has recognised cricket clubs and communities across Australia that contributed to fundraising and support following the devastating earthquake that struck the country a fortnight ago