Europe Estonia Estonian real estate market transactions have fallen by a third year-on-year, back to levels of 10 years ago; European Central Bank is refraining from raising interest rates, but experts do not expect the Estonian real estate market to improve soon
Europe Estonia Economic growth of 1,2% in the fourth quarter of last year, which ended ten quarters of recession, surprised analysts, as it was significantly higher than the initial estimate of Statistics Estonia
Europe Estonia The Social Democratic Party wants to limit political donations to €100.000 and intends to change the law before the next election; party chairman Lauri Läänemets stated that political decisions should not be made by a small group of people
Europe Estonia Inequality between the skills of different generations is growing faster in Estonia than in other OECD countries, increasing the risk of marginalisation among the least qualified adults
Europe Estonia Enefit Green and AFRY signed a contract to provide Front-End Engineering Design services for the 1.000-megawatt Liivi Bay offshore wind farm in Estonia, which could cover half of Estonia's current electricity consumption