America Argentina The hemp industry is expanding in the country, and 15 new genetic varieties will begin to be cultivated there; the fiber of this plant will be used in the textile industry to replace non-renewable materials of fossil origin
America Argentina A new Japanese vaccine against dengue, proven to be 80% effective in preventing symptomatic cases, has been authorized by the National Administration of Drugs, Foods and Medical Technology of Argentina
America Argentina Several thousand unemployed people marched with torches towards the center of Buenos Aires and then camped in front of government headquarters, demanding greater social aid due to uncontrollable inflation and poverty that affects 40% of Argentines
America Argentina This past month, the country registered its highest monthly inflation in 12 months, with increase in consumer prices reached 104,3%, according to the the state’s statistics institute
America Argentina The IMF has announced a US$5.4 billion disbursement to the country, as the state has declared a severe economic panorama; the new disbursement brings to US$28.9 billion the total funds already allocated to Argentina since March 2022
America Argentina IMF technicians have agreed to soften the agreed targets with the country for 2023 within its refinancing program for a debt of US$45 billion, due to the impact of drought on export products, the main source of the state’s foreign currency
America Argentina As the third-largest supplier of corn worldwide, the country is facing its most severe drought in over six decades, resulting in repeated substantial reductions to harvest estimates and putting at risk the target exports agreed on with the IMF
America Argentina The government has once again asked the UK to restart negotiations at the UN over the sovereignty of the British-run Falkland Islands, as the country has yet again claimed ownership over such land
America Argentina President Alberto Fernández arrived in Ushuaia this week to commemorate the Day of Argentine Antarctica by inaugurating a branch of the University of Tierra del Fuego and conducting the fourth official head-of-state visit to Antarctica
America Argentina More than 5.000 pregnant Russian women have entered the country in recent months, reportedly admitting that they are seeking an Argentinian citizenship for their children as a result of the Ukrainian war
America Argentina The central bank of the country has announced the issuance of a new 2.000 peso banknote to combat rising inflation, making it their highest denomination banknote, surpassing the previous largest, the 1.000 peso note
America Argentina Along with water distribution experts, the government is seeking new measures to battle drought, as 50% of its territory is suffering from lack of water and over 26 million livestock animals are at risk
America Argentina The government extended its state of “environmental emergency” throughout its territory for another year, with the aim of continuing to adopt urgent measures to combat its ongoing wildfires