America Bahamas Amendments to the Bail Law have been approved by the Chamber of Deputies, which now provide for the automatic revocation of bail when an individual is found to have violated the conditions of bail
America Bahamas The bill to establish a cannabis industry in the Bahamas will be introduced in the House of Representatives next month, according to Attorney General Ryan Pinder
America Bahamas The World Bank, in its Global Economic Prospects 2024, forecasts that the Bahamian economy will grow by 1,8% in 2024, a revision from the 2% growth forecast in June 2023
America Bahamas Four Seasons will open a new 67-bed facility in the Bahamas in 2027, to be designed by SB Architects and Champalimaud Design of New York, USA
America Bahamas The Shell Saxons Superstars dominated by winning the Boxing Day 2023 Junkanoo Parade in categories Best Choreography, Best Music, Best Performance, Best Leading Costume, Best Banner and many more
America Bahamas The Bahamas Women's Health Initiative hosted its fifth annual Christmas lunch, feeding 40 young mothers enrolled in the Adolescent Health Clinic and PACE School
America Bahamas A bill to regulate cannabis and hemp will be brought to Parliament early next year, Attorney General Ryan Pinder said, wanting to hold another public consultation by the end of the year
America Bahamas The IMF has recommended that The Bahamas consider implementing a corporate income tax and a personal income tax for high earners
America Bahamas The Water and Sewerage Corporation contract awarded to the daughter of the company's executive chairman Sylvanus Petty will be cancelled, said Prime Minister Philip Davis
America Bahamas The Bahamas National Institute of Statistics will start publishing data on unemployment rates quarterly, twice as often as so far done
America Bahamas To celebrate 'Aviation Week', the Civil Aviation hosted the 39th Regional Meeting of the Americas of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations in the Bahamas, that experienced an increase in tourist arrivals
America Bahamas Partanna Global unveiled in Nassau the first climate-resilient and carbon-neutral 'Home for the World', which will actively remove and avoid 182,6 tonnes of CO2, equivalent to the annual CO2 absorbed by 5200 mature trees
America Bahamas Caribbean Agriculture Week, the regional's largest agricultural event, will be held in Breezes from today Oct. 9 and will include a panel on cannabis cultivation, in anticipation of the country passing legislation on medical use