America Bahamas The PM joined leaders of the Department of Corrections as the prison service launched an empowerment seminar, reminding them that successful reintegration of prisoners was what mattered
America Bahamas The government will spend almost $30 million on clinics across the Bahamas - said Health Minister Dr Michael Darville - hiring 500 workers to increase service capacity
America Bahamas The government has spent about $400.000 to repair and clean beaches, parks and roads in preparation for the royal visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Ms. Kate Middleton
America Bahamas The Minister of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Family Island Affairs has received a demonstration of how drones can help advance The Bahamas' agricultural sector, as well as improve the efficiency of inter-island delivery of goods
America Bahamas The government entered a repurchase agreement with investment bank Goldman Sachs to cover residual budget of fiscal year 21/22; the 2 year loan has a value of $236 million and will bridge the gap for public financing until bond markets are more favorable
America Bahamas Work has begun on Disney Cruise Line's US$400 million project at Lighthouse Point, with executives announcing recently that the company has received all the environmental approvals it needs to move forward with the project
America Bahamas The EU has named the country on a list of those that have not fully complied with a criterion relating to base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) and having to do with a country's minimum reporting standard
America Bahamas Prime Minister Brave Davis said the government is working to restore investor confidence that has waned in Grand Bahama over the years
America Bahamas Authorities rescued and detained 31 migrants in waters southwest of Bimini on Friday; they are suspected of being involved in a human smuggling operation, the second of last week
America Bahamas Abaco is looking to form an economic development council, run by the private investors and companies, to attract investment to the island, forming an important bridge between government and the private sector
America Bahamas The 13th Annual Bahamas Marathon will now be held virtually for the second year in a row, allowing participants to complete the distance they registered for between now and January 16 at a location of their choosing: outdoors or on a treadmill
America Bahamas The Central Bank of The Bahamas has released its draft Recovery Planning Guidelines which will serve as a general guide for the implementation of a Supervised Financial Institution's SFI recovery plan
America Bahamas The country has become the first Caribbean country to launch a second-generation National Decent Work Programme, a five-year plan with three national priority areas: jobs and skills, social dialogue and governance