Europe Belarus President Lukashenko said he and Vladimir Putin discussed joint Russian-Belarusian initiatives in Africa
Europe Belarus Digital sick notes could be introduced in Belarus in 2024-2025, to strengthen citizens' social rights, reduce employer errors and help employers and the Social Protection Fund calculate and pay sickness benefits
Europe Belarus Current Time, a Russian-language network operated by RFE/RL in cooperation with VOA, has been added to the register of extremist organisationsa in a frame of ongoing repression of independent media and civil society by Belarusian authorities
Europe Belarus A new law granting himself permanent immunity from criminal prosecution has been signed by President Lukashenko; it also prevents opposition leaders living in exile from running in future presidential elections
Europe Belarus For the New Year's Eve performance in the Palace of the Republic in the presence of Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko, Palestinian children have been invited
Europe Belarus The output of import-substituting goods in 2023 is expected to amount to $29 billion; two years ago it was about $26-27 billion and next year it is set to exceed $30 billion
Europe Belarus Belarus, together with Russia, has been excluded from the 37 countries that will participate in the Eurovision Song Contest scheduled to take place in Malmö, Sweden, in May 2024
Europe Belarus President Lukashenko signed Decree No. 375 "On the Proclamation of 2024 Year of Quality"
Europe Belarus Vitebsk's carpet exports increased by 16,7% year-on-year to USD 33 million in the period from January to October 2023; 86,3% of the products were shipped to Russia
Europe Belarus Six Supreme Court judges, in addition to the heads of the Gomel Oblast Court and the economic courts of the Vitebsk Oblast and the city of Minsk, were appointed by a decree signed by President Lukashenko
Europe Belarus Authorities would be abusing anti-terrorism and anti-extremism legislation to further purge civic space, suppress freedom of expression and eradicate political opposition, according to Anaïs Marin, Special Rapporteur on human rights in Belarus
Europe Belarus Many students from India are increasingly choosing medical courses at government universities in Belarus due to the combination of quality education and affordability
Europe Belarus Belarus is among top 15 countries out of 172 in UPU 2022 Integrated Postal Development Index; since 1947 it is a member of the Universal Postal Union, an international intergovernmental organisation with the status of a specialised agency of the UN