America Bolivia President Luis Arce led the march for Labor Day along with the Bolivian Workers' Union and announced an increase in salaries, thus strengthening his alliance with major unions while facing a growing climate of national social unrest
America Bolivia The national minimum wage will be increased by 5% and the basic wage by 3% following an agreement between President Luis Arce and the leaders of the Bolivian Workers' Central COB, the largest union in the country
America Bolivia Bolivian social organisations began to collect the 1,5 million signatures necessary to call for a referendum on the reform of the Judicial Power, which has been questioned by international organisations for its lack of independence
America Bolivia At a summit called by Mexico to discuss inflation, President Luis Arce proposed to address the climate crisis in the first place, as this crisis has made food production and logistics more expensive
America Bolivia The mayor of Cobija, Ana Lucía Reis, declared a state of emergency in the area due to the overflow of the Amazonian Acre River; its water level has risen to 12,90 meters following the heavy rains
America Bolivia The country has opted to deepen its bilateral relations with Russia in various sectors of interest for both countries, such as trade, the energy sector, science, and education
America Bolivia The government is currently working on a plan to fully industrialise lithium by the end of this year, by carefully studying and selecting the companies that will be extracting and processing the good for its commercialisation in the next years
America Bolivia Along with Colombia, the country will present a joint proposal to the UN for the removal of the coca leaf from the list of prohibited substances, as it is used for traditional and medicinal remedies, as well as religious rituals
America Bolivia In an effort to consolidate its ties with Venezuela, not just politically but also economically, the country has signed 14 collaborative projects, which include possible trade agreements, joint commercial agendas, and more
America Bolivia The country has partnered with Chinese firms to begin extracting the largest reserve of lithium in the world, worth a total of 21 million tons
America Bolivia President Luis Arce stated that “Peruvians have the right to choose a government that represents them" after Peruvian President Dina Boluarte took charge, causing tensions with Peru, that accused the Bolivian government of interference in Peru's affairs
America Bolivia As numerous reporters were harmed during recent protests from the opposition, the government promised to provide the necessary legal support to all local reporters in order to protect the country’s right to freedom of press
America Bolivia The number of registered species in the Madidi National Park has doubled, reaching up to 333 species, with 35 of these being potentially completely new to science