Asia Cambodia Ly Chansocheata - the first Cambodian woman to graduate from Japan's National Defence Academy with a degree in International Relations - is now a military officer in Cambodia's Ministry of National Defence
Asia Cambodia The country is using a national movement to achieve mine-free status by 2025, having raised funds from charitable individuals to help realise the goal
Asia Cambodia Private companies prepare to pay pensions, as pension contributions for persons covered by the Labour Law will be deducted from 1 October
Asia Cambodia World's largest freshwater fish ever recorded, a giant stingray, was caught a week ago in Mekong River; it measured nearly 4 metres and weighed almost 300 kg, according to Wonders of the Mekong, a joint Cambodian-US research project on Monday
Asia Cambodia Eld deer (Rucervus eldii) have been spotted for the first time in 20 years in the Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary in the southwestern province of Mondulkiri; it is classified as endangered on the IUCN Red List and is one of Cambodia's rarest large mammals
Asia Cambodia The National Election Committee set up a commission and three sub-commissions - one for facilitation, one for technical aspects and one for announcing the results - to handle the preliminary results of today's municipal elections
Asia Cambodia The PM expressed words of praise for the smooth and non-violent campaigning process for the 5th term elections of the City Council/Sangkat since it started on 21 May 2022
Asia Cambodia A female stingray, one of South-East Asia's largest and rarest fish species, was accidentally caught last week when she swallowed a smaller fish that had taken a hook; she has now been released into the Mekong River
Asia Cambodia The government will recruit 300 young armed personnel to boost the Royal Cambodian Air Force
Asia Cambodia Lt. Gen. Sanderson, a former UNTAC commander, begins a 10-day visit today to mark the 30th anniversary of UNTAC, which was established to repatriate Cambodians displaced by the civil war and the 1993 national elections
Asia Cambodia The Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts recently called on costume vendors in the Angkor area to follow Cambodian norms and traditions and avoid confusion by displaying non-Khmer clothing advertised as Khmer
Asia Cambodia The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has revealed alarming new findings on the vast "learning loss" experienced by Cambodian students during the pandemic, with an increase in students unable to demonstrate basic skills
Asia Cambodia The PM recently inaugurated SOS Children's Village in Prey Veng province; the president of the association asked the government to consider including family-style childcare in policy on alternative childcare and increase measures to protect them