America Canada Temperature has reached 49.6C (121.3F) in Lytton, British Columbia this week; the Vancouver area has registered more than 150 sudden deaths but the number of heat-related fatalities is likely to rise as some areas have yet to collate the data
America Canada As gypsy moth caterpillars are defoliating an Ottawa urban park and posing a massive threat to Ontario's forest cover, volunteers will spend the next few months pulling the invasive insects from trees and destroying them
America Canada UHN in Toronto, the largest transplant centre in North America, is returning to normal pace after the difficulties caused by the pandemic
America Canada Scientists at CHEO, University of Ottawa, are advancing wastewater testing to detect new Covid-19 variants
America Canada The country has announced its plans to land a rover on the moon in the next five years
America Canada Tensions with local residents grew as city officials, flanked by dozens of police officers, moved in to clear homeless encampment in Toronto
America Canada The Toronto Fc football team has been surprised by a huge alligator during a training in Florida
America Canada Alberta is to join three other provinces to explore the feasibility of small modular nuclear reactors as a clean energy option
America Canada Doctors perform first double lung transplant in the country on 61 years old Covid-19 patient
America Canada The Government is investing in research to study the effects of contaminants on Pacific aquatic ecosystems
America Canada Eric Rajah and Brian Leavitt, co-founders of Lacombe-based charity "A Better World" received the Meritorious Service Medals by the Governor General
America Canada The Canadian government has launched a plan to plant 2 billion trees over the next 10 years