America Costa Rica The government has changed its migration policies in order to avoid “migratory excess”, which means that after years of accepting all migrants, it will now only accept political refugees and not those seeking to better their economic conditions
America Costa Rica The country’s match with Germany during the Qatar World Cup was the first ever in its history with all referees being women
America Costa Rica The government is currently working on a legal framework to establish official regulations and taxes on the use of cryptocurrency
America Costa Rica The government has announced the building of the country’s first-ever public transport road, which will be fully electric and powered by the country’s sustainable energy
America Costa Rica The country has officially prohibited the retention, storage, and selling of all sharks, rays, and sawfish in order to promote the sustainable management of ecosystems and marine species
America Costa Rica A state of emergency due to the heavy rains - decreed by President Chaves - allows the state budget to be allocated more quickly than foreseen in order to protect schools, remote houses, and facilities
America Costa Rica With a specialised cyber task force, the country has fully recovered all of its digital systems considered essential for institutional management and patient care, after the cyber-attack that took place on May shut down all government systems
America Costa Rica As the sawfish is quickly becoming extinct in various parts of the world, the country has officially made its fishing, exploitation, and commercialisation illegal
America Costa Rica Aimed at reactivating the economy and creating new employment, a new state proposal is set to soon make medical cannabis product dispensaries available across the country
America Costa Rica Local college students have designed a technological artefact that will be sent into space in order to analyse a fungus that is affecting banana plantations around the world, and will try and find a cure for it
America Costa Rica A new species of tree frogs was discovered in the country, sparking great celebration in the scientific community, as the area where it was found was supposed to be cut down for livestock production, but then protected by environmentalist foundations
America Costa Rica Students took to the streets to protest a possible cut in funding for education; the government has listened, and announced that no cuts will be done to the current academic funds
America Costa Rica The government has announced that it is currently working on a plan to regularise the migration of over 200.000 Nicaraguans seeking to flee their country and find refuge in Costa Rica