Europe Denmark The Danish national auditor Rigsrevisionen has criticised both the Environment and Defence ministries for failing to limit the use and emission of the controversial ‘forever chemical’ PFAS over a period spanning several years
Europe Denmark Danish men live five years longer than two decades ago; in this period, overall life expectancy has risen to 81,5 years, exceeding the EU average
Europe Denmark For the first time in Danish history, according to Danmarks Statistik, the over-45s are giving birth to more children than teenagers
Europe Denmark Government criticised for delaying mink-saving measures; a year ago the Mink Commission published an investigation report about the government’s actions during the 2020 mink cull, and the industry itself, that should have led to immediate bettering action
Europe Denmark A majority of the parliament voted in favour of joining the European Defence Agency, after Denmark decided to abolish the EU defence reserve last summer
Europe Denmark According to the newly-published 2022 World Air Quality Report, Denmark’s air quality is the worst of the Nordics and fine particle concentrations are rated one to two times higher than WHO guidelines
Europe Denmark For the first time in the country, an electric ambulance left Falck's headquarters in Sydhavn, Copenhagen, described as "a milestone in the green transition"
Europe Denmark Claus Hjort Frederiksen, defence minister from 2016 to 2019, was again charged with sharing state secrets; the 75-year-old retired member of Venstre has pleaded not guilty and trial could be behind closed doors
Europe Denmark Over 12.000 people left the Church in 2022, a 42% increase on previous year, with young people leading the way, according to data from Danmarks Statistik
Europe Denmark Since 1995, the non-governmental organisation Transparency International has published its annual Corruption Perception Index: this year, the country ranked as the first least corrupt country in the world, with a score of 90 out of 100
Europe Denmark The country's coal imports have registered a 146% increase in 2022 over 2021 according to new figures from the energy authority Energistyrelsen
Europe Denmark Some 1.382 pets were abandoned by their owners in 2022, according to Dyrenes Beskyttelse, the organisation that goes by the name Animal Protection Denmark, a number that has set a sad new record
Europe Denmark A 2022 new study of ethnically-Danish people’s attitudes towards immigrants suggests that while young Danes (18-30), generally sympathetic to the plight of refugees, wouldn't like them, or immigrants, to be educated at the same schools as theirs