Asia East Timor The Tibar port is now expected to open in May 2022, as international and Timorese companies are working hand-in-hand to build the ultra-modern facility
Asia East Timor The local community raised $8.000 to support the recovery of Laclubar area, heavily affected by the floods
Asia East Timor Macau's Portuguese-owned bank BNU set up a solidarity account to support local communities affected by the devastating floods
Asia East Timor Australia’s Santos and Italy’s Eni are investigating options to re-purpose the East Timor's Bayu Undan facilities to extend the life of the project with a carbon capture and storage scheme
Asia East Timor The Government has signed with the Asian Development Bank a $ 1 million grant agreement to respond to floods
Asia East Timor Cyclon Seroja floods disrupted a city-wide Covid-19 lockdown in Dili and experts warn the pandemic could rip through parts of the city
Asia East Timor Considering converting its oil-fired power plants to natural gas to cut energy supply costs, the country estimates it will need about 0.37 million tonnes per year (t/y) of imported LNG
Asia East Timor The country is preparing the necessary requirements for accession to the World Trade Organization
Asia East Timor The Indonesian Defense Ministry awarded former East Timor fighters with State Defending Patriot Medals
Asia East Timor The Ministry of Higher of Education, Science and Culture has published the final lists of the admitted candidates to public higher education for academic year of 2021
Asia East Timor Ministry of Health launches partnership with the World Health Organization and the EU to mitigate the impacts of communicable diseases