Africa Egypt Thirty seven Egyptian universities figure in the overall index of the 2023 Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, which categorizes world universities based on their impact towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Africa Egypt Egypt's population reached 105 million on Saturday, according to the demographic clock linked to the government's database for registering births and deaths; there was an increase of 1 million in 245 days
Africa Egypt The country intends to remove limits on foreign property ownership in a bid to attract more hard currency to the country; the premier said investment will lead to reduced inflation and eased pressure on commodity prices
Africa Egypt WB, from first relationship with Egypt, financed over 175 projects worth over $25 billion; Minister of International Cooperation noted that joint relation is not limited to development cooperation, but that Egyptian expertise has also enriched Bank's work
Africa Egypt Amendments to the Nuclear Power Plants Authority law issued in 1976 have been approved: they assign the authorization to desalinate water by using nuclear power, and acknowledging NPPA as the sole owner and operator of all nuclear power plants in Egypt
Africa Egypt The metropolis of Cairo, one of the most densely populated in the world, has now collapsed, so much so that President al-Sisi has ordered the construction of a new capital city, as yet unnamed, in a project worth over 50 billion dollars
Africa Egypt Representatives of several human rights organisations and independent human rights activists met with the general coordinator of the National Dialogue to discuss their concerns
Africa Egypt Egypt and the EU signed a €40 million grant agreement for food security in the country, implemented by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
Africa Egypt In the Nile delta, a women's hockey team is making inroads in an area that claims the sport's historical origins, despite social and financial challenges that prevent it from developing its sporting career
Africa Egypt The country will return to daylight saving time this summer after a seven-year hiatus, the latest in a series of government efforts to save energy; clocks will be advanced by one hour starting on the last Friday in April
Africa Egypt The Shia mosque of Al Ḥakim bi Amr Allah, in central Cairo, has been reopened after renovations began in 2017; work on the more than 1.000-year-old building included repairing water damage and cracks in the walls
Africa Egypt A renovated wing of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo - which houses a 16-metre papyrus scroll recovered last year - has been inaugurated; it is the first phase of wider renovations to the ancient complex
Africa Egypt Annual inflation was 25,8% last January in Egypt, up from 21,3% in December, making it the highest rate in more than five years, according to data released by the Capmas statistics agency