Europe Estonia The country, along with Latvia, has withdrawn from a cooperation group between China and over a dozen Central and Eastern European countries, following in the footsteps of neighbouring Lithuania, which withdrew last year
Europe Estonia The Association of Estonian Printers opened 'Open (Eyes) Minds', a new exhibition at the Rüki Gallery in Viljandi focusing on nature and biodiversity in the urban environment
Europe Estonia Recent data show that Estonia experienced the fastest rise in electricity prices in the EU last month, 'inexplicably large' according to Bank of Estonia economist Kaspar Oja
Europe Estonia An analysis of motor fuel sales data by region shows that the decrease in sales volumes was not equal and that consumption decreased more in regions with lower resident incomes
Europe Estonia Liviko distillery, one of the largest alcohol companies in the Baltic, foresees the need to reduce its product range as energy prices continue to rise and raw materials are every day scarcer
Europe Estonia Preliminary results of state examinations by Education and Youth Council show that the national average score on graduation examination decreased slightly due to distance learning, while the results of Estonian language remained unchanged
Europe Estonia An auction to issue frequency licences in the second 5G frequency band is about to begin with invitations to participate sent to three communications companies
Europe Estonia Private forest owners submitted applications to the Estonian Private Forestry Centre for Natura subsidies totalling €5.043 million, €28.000 more than the budget for the current round of applications
Europe Estonia The area of state forests earmarked for regeneration felling will decrease by 4% this year, instead of the 13% initially planned by the previous minister of Environment
Europe Estonia Rental flat prices have risen significantly throughout Estonia in recent months due to increased demand; in Tartu, a university town and the country's second largest city, an increase of 15% is estimated
Europe Estonia The country has strengthened cooperation with Georgia in the conservation of protected areas and natural values, with the Estonian Environmental Agency showing principles and organisation of environmental protection in Estonia and Lahemaa National Park
Europe Estonia Vaccine shortage of a year ago is turning into a large vaccine surplus, with interest in vaccination waning while factories work at full capacity and warehouses fill up with doses
Europe Estonia The country shipped over ten tonnes of materials, consisting mainly of high-voltage aluminium cables, control cables and other overhead line accessories, to the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy to help rebuild destroyed infrastructure