Europe Finland Ranked 3rd among OECD countries in terms of the largest share of people over 65, the country's aging population is increasing at record speed: from 17% in 2010 to 24,5% in 2021
Europe Finland The Occupational Safety and Health Authorities have published a guide for foreign employees in 14 different languages, with key information on employee rights such as working hours, wages and holidays
Europe Finland Dairy producer Valio and energy company St1 are to have a biogas plant, operating from 2026, to produce renewable fuel for transport, in an effort to find new sources of energy, such as manure, and help the country's transition to self-sufficiency
Europe Finland 54% of Finns are currently in favor of the idea of Finland joining NATO, while around 28% are against, reveals a poll commissioned by YLE
Europe Finland Government parties have agreed on the reform of the Mining Act, planning to increase the influence of municipalities on whether or not a mine is established, making mining permits subject to a local master plan, rather than regional one
Europe Finland Finland's Climate Change Expert Group has published its assessment of the sufficiency of the government's climate actions, calling for more drastic measures to ensure the targets are met
Europe Finland The first 2022 maternity packs are being delivered this week, earlier than usual due to the increase in births; the updated congratulations letter includes tips on how to dress the baby and how to extend the life cycle of the newborn-related products
Europe Finland Neste will donate a total of €1 million to Finnish universities to support research and education in the chemical industry and to further strengthen collaboration between industry and the scientific community
Europe Finland Business Finland has granted circular economy investment aid for the construction of an end-of-life textile refining plant: the country will be the first in the world where post-consumer textiles are obtained nationwide for reuse and recycling
Europe Finland From today, no meat will be served at Helsinki's meetings, seminars, workshops and public events anymore, while seasonal vegetarian food and/or responsibly caught local fish will be offered; cow's milk will be replaced by oat's milk
Europe Finland Fireworks are usually sold between Christmas and New Year's Eve: though it's legal to sell them all year round, they may only be used on New Year's Eve from 6 pm to 2 am the following morning
Europe Finland Aalto University's Startup Center received an honourable mention for its success in adapting to the pandemic at a UBI Global ceremony in Dubai
Europe Finland EK, the Confederation of Finnish Industries, estimates that investments worth at least €3,2 billion, with an employment impact of about 9.000 jobs, are hold back by unprecedented and unpredictable permit procedures