America Guatemala Due to the national airport’s recent disorganisation, heavy traffic, and lack of personnel, the Tourism Chamber has implemented an emergency board for the airport in order to address such urgent matters caused by an increasing amount of tourism
America Guatemala The government has declared a red state alert due to the weather, as the heavy rains have affected over half a million inhabitants
America Guatemala A group of women, survivors of domestic abuse, have formed a theatre group called ‘Theatre that Heals and Empowers, Stories that Deserve to be Told’, as a way for other survivors to heal from their past traumas
America Guatemala The country is holding its third International Education Summit, where it aims at improving national educational quality through the free training of teachers, directors and parents
America Guatemala An ophthalmology day was held; organized by the government and with the help of the army, free ophthalmological assistance was provided to low-income families, helping them with exams, regular check ups, eye surgery and more
America Guatemala The country is holding its first ever technical meeting on agriculture with Belize, so they can actively cooperate in the production of grains and raising of livestock, since their geographical conditions are similar
America Guatemala The government has established university scholarships with 8.000 national and foreign universities, with the aim of reinforcing academic development and improving the quality of life of Guatemalans
America Guatemala This week the Samay foundation was founded, which is the first ever organisation in the country focused on the education and extracurricular activities for children with disabilities
America Guatemala The oldest known Mayan calendar was found in an ancient pyramid, estimated to be dated between 300 and 200 bC
America Guatemala Civil organisations, indigenous groups and farmers blocked the streets - causing traffic jams at a national level - to protest against government corruption and national resource theft
America Guatemala The government and gov institution have begun working on a plan of major importance that legally defines way to dispose of the chemical substances used for the production of medicines
America Guatemala The Fuego Volcano has entered eruption stage and caused evacuation of approximately 400 people, now hosted in camps
America Guatemala Ecobot, a Latinamerican recycling initiative, has now installed numerous machines around the country where people can deposit their waste and redeem in exchange discount coupons as a way to incentivise responsible garbage disposal