Europe Hungary Pope's plea resonates in the country after his Apostolic Visit: stay open to those who, in his words, are “foreign or unlike us,” such as migrants fleeing war, persecution, and poverty
Europe Hungary Preliminary data from Hungarian transmission system operator Mavir showed a record in energy production by solar power plants with the absolute record being set on Saturday with 2541 megawatts at noon
Europe Hungary The United States may announce new sanctions against influential Hungarian individuals, diplomatic sources reported
Europe Hungary For the Hungarian people, war is worrying and dangerous, and the threat of a world war 'is not a literary exaggeration', said Prime Minister Orbán
Europe Hungary According to Fidesz MEP Ernő Schaller-Baross any proposal to make recognition of parental status between member states mandatory is a gross abuse of EU powers
Europe Hungary Today Hungary celebrates National Day to commemorate the Revolution and War of Independence against the Austrian-Hapsburg rule (1848-1849); traditionally, cities are decorated with the flag’s three colors and access to iconic parlament building is free
Europe Hungary ‘Common sense dictates’ that there can be no winners in the war in Ukraine, so a ceasefire must be arranged as soon as possibile, PM Orbán told public radio on Friday
Europe Hungary Production has started from the first well of the Nyekpuszta unconventional gas field in the south-east of the country
Europe Hungary The Mátraszentistván ski park, Hungary's highest and most popular ski resort, has had an above-average season so far with consistent flow of tourists although prices have risen considerably
Europe Hungary At the world final of the prestigious Bocuse d'Or cooking competition in Lyon, Bence Dalnoki and Patrik Nyikos, under the leadership of Tamás Széll, achieved Hungary's best ever result in the competition, taking third place
Europe Hungary The government is trying to avoid a new potentially damaging conflict with EU after the EU Council informed that country's universities, operating as private foundations governed by a board of trustees, will not be eligible for Erasmus + funding
Europe Hungary In Forbes Hungary list of billionaires, for the first time in several years, Mészáros did not take first place, occupied instead by Sándor Csányi, CEO of Hungary's largest bank, OTP; he is the first person to cross the 500 billion threshold