Europe Italy The number of specialized artisans continues to decline, falling by nearly 325.000 (-17,4%) since 2012, impacting on the production of industries and brands that are a symbol of Italy and a significant percentage of its GDP
Europe Italy Clients of specialised operators held over one billion euros in cryptocurrencies in Italy according to data transmitted to the OAM, the body of broker agents, at the end of the first quarter of 2023
Europe Italy Michela Murgia, popular writer and activist, died yesterday at the age of 51; the country mourns a free and independent-thinking intellectual at her funeral today in Rome
Europe Italy The International Monetary Fund revised upwards its growth estimates for the Italian economy - at 1,1% from April’s 0,7%, thus beating the other two major EU economies as well as the eurozone’s average
Europe Italy The National Association of Partisans celebrates 80 years since the end of the fascist regime with the 'anti-fascist pastasciutta' at 220 events across the country in memory of the historic moment when the Cervi family offered pasta on 25 July 1943
Europe Italy The country plans to reopen mines that were closed 30 years ago in an attempt to address the EU's shortage of critical raw materials, owning 16 of the 34 materials the EU is seeking to mine, process and recycle
Europe Italy The country needs to invest more and step up efforts to reach the EU's 2030 carbon emissions reduction target, a government document says; PM Meloni said 'you cannot dismantle the economy and companies for the ecological transition'
Europe Italy 30% of newly published books don't even sell a single copy, despite continuous growth in book production since 2016, reveals a Nomisma study; publishing houses have fallen from 5.491 in 2012 to 4.623 in 2021
Europe Italy In 2023, more than 33% of Italians will forego treatment, due to unavailability of healthcare facilities and waiting lists, according to the Report on the Italian Healthcare System 'The Health Thermometer', compiled by Eurispes and Enpam
Europe Italy Silvio Berlusconi, media tycoon and four times PM, died on 12 June at the age of 86; an iconic figure, both beloved and hated, he brought major changes in Italian TV and politics
Europe Italy A congestion in passport emission, due to both a peak in applications after a ‘freeze’ in 2020-2021 and to the obsolescence of the information system, is resulting in months of waiting to book the service, while the passport is then issued in a few days
Europe Italy FEE has awarded 458 Italian beaches with iconic Blue Flag, 11% of the total flags assigned this year by the international organization
Europe Italy The regulation of academic careers is to be reformed amid concerns over parts of the system controlling progression; Italy’s complex system is presently based on 370 research areas that are being replaced with 192 new groups