America Jamaica More than 800 teachers have submitted their resignations ahead of the new school year starting tomorrow Monday, September 4; Minister of Education and Youth stressed that teachers' practice of resigning without notice is unprofessional
America Jamaica Just weeks before the start of the new academic year, more than 2.000 students benefited from a much-needed financial boost at three major back-to-school fairs organized by the New Fortress Energy Foundation
America Jamaica More than 100 Problem Management Plus workers, who have been trained to provide support to people facing adversity, received certificates during a graduation ceremony held at the Summit in New Kingston
America Jamaica Andre Wilson, founder and executive director of Youth for Development Network, believes it is useful to use sport as a development tool to empower and create peace for individuals affected by violence
America Jamaica Funds have been allocated to purchase ventilators for the Victoria Jubilee Hospital in Kingston, and a standard extended service warranty procedure to keep them running for three years will also be made available in the coming weeks
America Jamaica An anti-vaping campaign to tackle the rampant problem of e-cigarette use among high school students in St Ann has been launched by the National Council on Drug Abuse
America Jamaica The Jamaica Constabulary Force, Jamaica's national police force, will receive a major boost to its mobility with the disbursement of JMD428 million in grants (over €2,5 million) from the Japanese Government
America Jamaica Export earnings for the first two months of the year reached US$325,4 million, a 54,6% increase on January and February last year
America Jamaica On Saturday, June 17, the eve of Father's Day, more than 40 men will be honoured at the Bureau of Gender Affairs' Outstanding Father Awards ceremony
America Jamaica Technical and vocational education and training will soon be introduced also in primary schools, in addition to secondary schools, to ensure that students are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to meet the demands of the labour market
America Jamaica Prime Minister Holness' decision to reject his 214% pay raise and maintain his annual salary of $9 million (USD 58.000) is reportedly binding on all former and future heads of government
America Jamaica The Human Papillomavirus vaccine is now available from the Westmoreland Public Health Department for boys aged nine to 14 years, in a more comprehensive approach to prevention
America Jamaica The Martha Brae-Holland road in Trelawny rehabilitation is fully completed, said the National Works Agency