Africa Lesotho To modernize tax collection and increase revenue, the African Development Fund extended US$4.25 million loan to switch to digital tax services with electronic taxation and electronic tax payment
Africa Lesotho The "Observing Plastic Free Wednesday" project, which starts today and will last for the next eight months to reduce plastic use, has been launched by the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture together with the UN Development Programme
Africa Lesotho The Social Protection Program and Systems Review acknowledges progress in social protection programs but also suggests a range of policy options to increase fiscal savings and improve program coverage and effectiveness
Africa Lesotho The office of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child has been recently inaugurated in Maseru
Africa Lesotho After several diplomats were expelled from Saudi Arabia for 'illicit trade in tax-free alcohol', the government announced its disappointment and embarrassment at the alleged actions
Africa Lesotho Lesotho winter 2021 ski season opens today and local resort Afriski - one of the only two in southern Africa - on June 10th
Africa Lesotho VXPASS has developed a platform that efficiently manages and records the administration of Covid-19 vaccinations on a large scale and that will be used in the country's vaccination rollout
Africa Lesotho Arts management and promotions company Harambee Global Records is targeting to sign at least 200 artists by the end of 2021, using a 4 million investment that has been channelled towards a state-of-the-art visual and audio studio
Africa Lesotho The UN Development Program donated Information and Communication Technology equipment in support of the Government response to the pandemic
Africa Lesotho The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security has lifted the ban on vegetables imports, meant to preserve the market for local producers who have often been forced to compete with imported goods
Africa Lesotho Federation of Cycling Lesotho (FCL) president Rammotang Makatile has been appointed to the Southern African Cycling Forum board
Africa Lesotho The Southern African Development Community (SADC) proposed the establishment of a Transitional Justice Commission (TJC) as part of a “peace and trust-building process” in the multi-sector reforms started in 2016