Africa Lesotho Tainted South African bank notes from ATM bombings and cash in transit heists have flooded Lesotho; citizens in possession of legitimateSA bak notes are also stuck as local retailers have started rejecting all SA Rands to try and avoid the tainted notes
Africa Lesotho Afriski Mountain Resort has informed that Afriski's ski slopes will not be open for the 2023 winter season, the first time since 2009
Africa Lesotho Basotho blanket, a garment that became widespread in the country from 19th century, still has a high symbolic value and is present in celebrations and rites of passage; however, its recent use in western high fashion and film has led to criticism
Africa Lesotho Thirty sugar bean growers from across the country will sign a contract for the 2022/23 agricultural season with Tasty Food Packers, leading grain supplier
Africa Lesotho Ahead of the reopening of the 11th parliament, opposition parties in Lesotho are up in arms, accusing the new government of failing to provide the most basic services, while crime and corruption are at their peak
Africa Lesotho Central Bank of Lesotho, noting the negative impact of the South African energy crisis on Lesotho's economy, has decided to moderately raise the interest rate by 25 basis points, from 7 to 7,25% per annum, to counter the inflation rate
Africa Lesotho Lesotho leads the continent in the number of suicides, followed by Equatorial Guinea and Ivory Coast, according to recent study by Forensic Medicine Unit of Anatomopathology Department of Treichville University Hospital Centre in Ivory Coast
Africa Lesotho Democratic Congress, the main opposition party, will hold an elective conference to choose a new national executive committee at the end of the month
Africa Lesotho A rabies outbreak in the country has let authorities to start a massive vaccination campaign; deaths have been reported after bites of stray dogs
Africa Lesotho Anti-corruption investigators raided three principal secretaries allegedly implicated in a M100 million road repair scandal
Africa Lesotho Radio presenter Abiel Sebolai was allegedly beaten and injured by a mob of Socialist Revolutionaries supporters, suspectedly drunk, after he tried to take pictures of their cars which belonged to the Ministry of Local Government
Africa Lesotho The Watershed Planning Unit was in Ha-Likoabe for the ReNoka movement, which means We Are a River, a national program involving citizens in land and water restoration in Lesotho and the Senqu-Orange River Basin
Africa Lesotho For Phase II of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project two contracts have been signed with the South African Department of Water and Sanitation; 5.000 jobs are expected to be created once work begins on the construction of the Polihali dam