Europe Luxembourg EU statistics agency reports that in the country women have fewer top jobs, with low proportion of female managers, but better pay
Europe Luxembourg There is a huge shortage of medical cannabis because the only supplier cannot meet demand: doctors have prescribed a total of 140 kg in 2020, almost three times more than in 2019, and this year the figure is expected to be much higher
Europe Luxembourg According to a study, almost a third of pedestrian crossings in the capital do not respect the minimum distance of five metres required from parking spaces
Europe Luxembourg The country will be the first in the EU to legalise the cultivation and consumption of cannabis; under the new laws, people aged 18 and over will be able to grow up to four plants for personal use and carry three grams
Europe Luxembourg Around 3.500 people dressed in white and carrying white balloons walked silently through the city centre on Friday night in the name of 'freedom of choice' as 'fundamental and inalienable right'
Europe Luxembourg For the next five years, 200 police officers a year will be recruited in response to complaints of not having enough staff to provide security, after a recent attack in the capital
Europe Luxembourg 26 more companies have recently signed up to the Diversity Network; by signing the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter, organisations commit to promoting and managing diversity through concrete actions and promoting inclusion, equality and cohesion
Europe Luxembourg The EU has asked for financial sanctions on the country as it has not adopted stricter restrictions on firearms in its national legislation, as required by the 2017 ordinance
Europe Luxembourg After journalists gathered earlier this year calling on the government to make it easier for the media to access official documents, PM Bettel pledged his commitment to the issue, including the review of the 2018 Access to Government Documents Act
Europe Luxembourg Pupils will be free not to wear masks during most of their school day, but will have to take regular tests for Covid-19
Europe Luxembourg According to recent estimates by the finance and housing ministers, a third of Luxembourg's homeowners live without a mortgage, while those who have a mortgage spend more than a third of their disposable income on that
Europe Luxembourg While EU coal consumption registers -35% in 2020 compared to 2018, the country moves in the opposite direction increasing the use of that fuel, one of the biggest contributors to human-made climate change
Europe Luxembourg According to the forest conservation group Forest Stewardship Council there are not enough controls in place to check if 'local' wood from Luxembourg is indeed local, despite being sold under that label