Africa Malawi The country has reportedly run out of cholera vaccine stocks during the worst outbreak in decades
Africa Malawi Academic activity is resuming in primary and secondary schools in Malawi's two main cities after the cholera epidemic that killed hundreds of people imposed the closure of schools and public spaces
Africa Malawi The opening of public schools has been delayed in the two major cities of Blantyre and Lilongwe to try to slow down a surge in cholera deaths, as the mortality rate of the current outbreak has reached 3,34%
Africa Malawi The number of cases and victims of cholera in the country is growing rapidly and has already claimed hundreds of lives since March; the current outbreak represents the largest epidemic recorded in the country in the last 10 years, the WHO said
Africa Malawi Malawi is waiving visa requirements for 16 selected countries including United States, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany in a bid to boost its tourism industry that dropped by 80% in consequence of the pandemic
Africa Malawi The country has started a large-scale childhood vaccination campaign against malaria, the first campaign of its kind in the world; Malawian health authorities are using the only vaccine against the disease recommended by the WHO
Africa Malawi The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund has approved a disbursement of $88.327 million (91 billion kuna) for Malawi under the new Food Shock Window of the Rapid Credit Faculty
Africa Malawi The Ministry of Health will soon launch a second vaccination campaign after receiving 2,9 million doses of oral cholera vaccine following the persistent spread of the epidemic in the country
Africa Malawi The number of cholera deaths in Malawi rose to 183 at the end of Octobe; the rate of infection is increasing and the cumulative number of cases since the outbreak began in March is now 6.056
Africa Malawi The Minister of Natural Resources and Climate Change has admitted the difficulties in accessing the Green Climate Fund for government's adaptation programmes
Africa Malawi A memorandum of understanding to promote small and medium-sized enterprises in the country has been signed the Ministry of Trade and Industry with the Ugandan company Human Capital International
Africa Malawi Civil Society Network for Climate Change has urged the Malawi government to put strict measures to prevent and penalize corruption in the energy sector
Africa Malawi Plan International Malawi has launched a K6 million (almost €6.000) sports tournament in Dowa, with the aim of promoting coexistence between refugees and the host community and raising awareness on various human rights