Europe Moldova CinemaHora, the first international forum dedicated to the film industry, with filmmakers from 20 European countries, for the first time in Moldova, was hosted by Parliament
Europe Moldova Around 50 employers from different business sectors made over 2.000 job vacancies available at the Job Fair held in Chisinau, at an event organised by the National Employment Agency and the General Employment Department of the Municipality of Chisinau
Europe Moldova Metropolia, the country's main Orthodox Church and canonically subordinate to the Russian Orthodox Patriarchate, rejected the request for transfer to the Romanian Patriarchate submitted by a group of priests from the capital, Chisinau
Europe Moldova 165 specialised textbooks were distributed to vocational education institutions in Moldova, purchased by the Ministry of Education and Research within the framework of the 'Strong enterprises and communes for Moldova' project
Europe Moldova Public law organisations in the research and innovation sector, including public higher education institutions, will receive institutional funding to develop public infrastructure in the areas of research and innovation
Europe Moldova Access to more than 20 Russian media websites was blocked by decree of the intelligence and security services, claiming the websites were used as part of an information war against the country
Europe Moldova Some 5,7 million lei (almost €300.000) will be allocated from the government's reserve fund to liquidate the consequences of last summer's natural disasters
Europe Moldova Over 400 teachers and school leaders from all over the country will attend the National Teachers' Forum in Chisinau today
Europe Moldova Gas supply contract with Russia's Gazprom will be maintained to avoid power price crisis and difficulties in the separatist region of Transnistria
Europe Moldova Nobel Prize winner Professor Randy Schekman of the University of California/Berkeley, a world-renowned scientist in the field of medicine, will visit the country from today to 22 September
Europe Moldova 'Romanian Language Day' was celebrated on Thursday; some pro-Romanian politicians still oppose the term and insist the language should be called 'Moldavian'
Europe Moldova People who contributed to the successful organisation of the immersive exhibition "Bessarabi in Gulag", set up on the Grand National Assembly Square in July, received an honorary diploma from the government and letters of thanks
Europe Moldova 1.647 young people will be admitted to the 'Nicolae Testemițanu' State University of Medicine and Pharmacy; the greatest competition for budget-funded places was in Dentistry: 10 places and 47,7 people per place