Oceania New Zealand The newly formed Harm Reduction Coalition Aotearoa sent an open letter to Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, signed by national and international organisations and drug policy specialists, calling for the legal regulation of all drugs
Oceania New Zealand The much-debated total ban on the use of mobile phones in schools throughout New Zealand comes into effect today
Oceania New Zealand New Zealand's Ministry of Trade and Consumer Affairs has warned the country's leaders against maintaining a slow approach on cryptocurrencies, calling on the Australian government to finalize its stance on cryptocurrencies as well 'before it is too late'
Oceania New Zealand A shortage of 15.000 nurses by 2035 has been predicted by the Nursing Council of New Zealand; the country has been facing a critical nursing shortage for years now, a situation exacerbated by an aging population and the retirement of experienced nurses
Oceania New Zealand Parents and caregivers of young children will be helped to manage the rising cost of living with partial reimbursement of ECE (early childhood education) tuition beginning July 1, with refund of up to 25% of their weekly tuition to a maximum of $75/week
Oceania New Zealand The country will record "significantly slower" economic growth in the coming years, the finance minister said, as slowing productivity hampers the economy; the announcement came as New Zealand is about to issue a pre-budget update in two weeks
Oceania New Zealand Auckland Transport admitted that its trains were in 'huge demand' on Friday when the city hosted P!nk's concert at Eden Park and the Warriors at Mt Smart
Oceania New Zealand Possible serious adverse effects, along with concerns about efficacy and protection period, lead to hesitation about the vaccine according to a New Zealand study by researchers at the University of Auckland prompted by low vaccination rates after COVID-19
Oceania New Zealand A dentist with a private practice in Ashburton complained that Māori still receive inadequate dental care and that the coalition government's policies on oral health care remain ambiguous
Oceania New Zealand A group of students and educators from New Zealand's University of Waikato, consisting mostly of Maori, visited Taiwan in January for a cultural exchange programme and to learn about Taiwan's indigenous culture
Oceania New Zealand Approximately 3000 representatives of Maori communities gathered to discuss the policies of the new right-wing government of Prime Minister Luxon; this type of meeting, known in the Maori language as Hui, is convened quite rarely by the Maori King
Oceania New Zealand From 1 April 2024 electric vehicles will have to pay road user charges (RUC); initially exempted, electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids inclusion is the first step in fulfilling the National-ACT coalition's commitment to include all vehicles in RUC system
Oceania New Zealand The average price of a new uniform for the last year in Auckland was $468 (267€), including 2 shirts, 1 skirt or pair of trousers, 1 jumper and a jacket or blazer