America Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega has allegedly taken over the 5 remaining town halls governed by the opposition, and has replaced their respective mayors with sympathisers of his political party
America Nicaragua The San Cristóbal Volcano, the highest in the country, has recently erupted; the government has advised to wear masks due to the high concentration of ash in the air and store drinking water since reserves are currently contaminated
America Nicaragua The US imposed sanctions on the state-owned gold mining company ENIMINAS, because the country’s leaders are “deepening their relationship with Russia” and for allegedly using gold mining revenues to oppress their people
America Nicaragua The state’s congress has just outlawed 96 NGOs, bringing to 440 the number of institutions closed by president Daniel Ortega since the 2018 protests
America Nicaragua Dozens of female journalists have established their own digital ’news outlets’ to inform the outside world on what’s truly going on within the state, in response to sexism on the journalism field and the sociopolitical crisis
America Nicaragua The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has demanded the country to let the rising number of political prisoners have contact with their children, as some haven’t seen in them in years since they were arrested
America Nicaragua The country signed a formal agreement with Iran that aims at promoting the cooperation between the two countries regarding oil, energy, agriculture, cattle, and their relationship as a whole
America Nicaragua So far this year, gold exports have increased by almost 10% with respect to last year’s total exports
America Nicaragua The government announced that it will subsidies 100% of all further gas increases that might take place
America Nicaragua The World Bank reported that if the country does not urgently change its monetary and fiscal policy, Nicaragua will be the state with the lowest growth in the whole Latin American region
America Nicaragua The country’s OAS ambassador, Arturo McFields, has condemned the government of President Daniel Ortega, accusing it of human rights abuses, and has also officially resigned as the country’s ambassador
America Nicaragua The US has sanctioned 9 Nicaraguan government officials, including deputies and judges, claiming that they’ve been involved in corruption and breach of democracy
America Nicaragua National remittances have increased by 22,5% in the past month, due to the heavy outflow of Nicaraguans fleeing the country