Africa Niger The Africa Industrialisation and Economic Diversification Summit kicks off today in Niamey, a five-day event for a renewed commitment to inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and economic diversification
Africa Niger The fertility indicator has dropped from 7,6 in 2012 to 6,2 in 2021; data is based on the National Fertility and Morbidity Survey of Under-Five Children and this decrease is considered an important step forward for population and development policies
Africa Niger The National Coordination of Community Radios in Niger has called for the adoption of the law granting them a state subsidy; the country now has 202 community radio stations, of which more than 187 do not operate due to lack of resources
Africa Niger The Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et de la Poste has equipped the third district of Niamey with a new cybercafé with modern equipment including computers, printers and photocopiers
Africa Niger World Bank grants nearly FCFA 220 billion, over $3 million, for a water and food security project that will directly improve lives of about 3 million direct beneficiaries
Africa Niger Preparations are underway for the general business census; the aim is to create a source of socio-economic data that provides comprehensive and reliable information on the characteristics of different economic activities
Africa Niger The number of schools forced to close due to insecurity in conflict-affected areas has increased from 312 to 377 in recent months, Unicef reported; more than 300 schools were closed in 2020, affecting nearly 22.00 children
Africa Niger The committee in charge of identifying and surveying families in flood-prone areas of the Goulbi valley was installed in Maradi
Africa Niger Increased attacks by jihadist groups in the North are heavily impacting both farmers, who are finding it increasingly difficult to access their fields, and stranded herders in the South who are missing the transhumance period
Africa Niger Assan Ag Midal, a young Nigerian with a master's degree in political science, decided to recycle used objects of all kinds and turn them into works of art or useful items such as sofas and tables by adding authentic Nigerian colours and fabrics
Africa Niger The second phase of the support programme for local authorities was launched in the Dosso and Maradi regions as part of the process of decentralisation and maximisation of local resources
Africa Niger Niger Commissioner Zouera Hassane Haousseize won this year's edition of the United Nations Population Prize, the youngest recipient of the award and the youngest woman to reach the rank of commissioner, or superintendent, in the police force
Africa Niger To combat avoidable blindness, the National Eye Health Program’s goal of 100.000 operations enters its second phase thanks to the support of the Islamic Development Bank and the Islamic Solidarity Fund