Oceania Samoa A body to investigate corrupt practices within the government will soon be established, as the first national anti-corruption policy and strategy was officially launched in Apia
Oceania New Zealand A waka tīwai originally used for transport on the Waitotara River was welcomed home in South Taranaki after an absence of 55 years
Oceania Nauru A $5 million grant agreement with Asian Development Bank will help Nauru introduce a gender-responsive approach to fiscal sustainability
Oceania Tonga Tonga Power Limited, in partnership with Northpower, a leading New Zealand-based power grid company, will carry out a critical upgrade of Tonga's power grid infrastructure by the end of the year
Oceania Micronesia The Micronesia Islands Forum 2024 concluded with leaders pledging to come together to address the complex issues facing the region
Oceania Palau Travellers at Palau International Airport can now access the recently opened new 680 VIP Lounge in the departure area
Oceania Kiribati Baniti Semilota is a Kiribati climate activist, president of the National Youth Centre and the Tungaru Youth Action Club; path of activism began when she won the title of Miss Kiribati in 2020
Oceania Papua New Guinea Two weeks after the landslide in Yambali village, humanitarian assistance is still hampered by lack of access to roads, tensions between tribes and new evacuation orders; 670 people at least are considered missing
Oceania Tonga A touring exhibition of prints by contemporary Japanese painters opened at the Tanoa International Hotel in Nuku'alofa and will be open to visitors free of charge until 25 June
Oceania Tuvalu Filipino priest Eliseo Napiere has been appointed by Pope Francis to head the papal mission in Tuvalu
Oceania New Zealand Supplies of oestradiol patches for the treatment of menopausal symptoms are 'very limited' in Aotearoa and Pharmac predicts that some 'will not be able' to obtain them, as some pharmacies report not having any in stock
Oceania Australia Australia's wealth inequality could be worsened by the new super-tax concessions, according to research by The Australia Institute, with a tax system that could lead to more difficulties for low-income earners, women and owners of small business
Oceania Vanuatu Out of 1359 infants who passed through the Shefa health clinic last month, 50% were diagnosed with scabies, revealed Roslinda Narwayency the nurse in charge of the mother-and-child clinic