Asia Oman A two-day international forum on frankincense and medicinal plants will be held September 3 and 4 at Dhofar University to revive frankincense cultivation and to support advanced ways of research and development on medicinal plants
Asia Oman The number of visitors to the Khareef Dhofar season from 21 June to 31 July 2023 was 396.108, an increase of 12,8% compared to the corresponding period in 2022
Asia Oman On the beach of Raysut, in the Wilayat of Salalah, the 'Osara' recreational tourism project is being built entirely from recycled wood with activities, recreational and cultural events and relaxation opportunities for different age groups
Asia Oman Data from the National Center for Statistics and Information on Marriage and Divorce Cases in 2022 reveal that the total number of registered marriages in 2021 was 19.294, while in 2022 there were 15.400 marriages, a 20% decrease in marriages in 2022
Asia Oman Survey of Arabian Myrrh Trees Phase II shows overgrazing (62%), insects (22%), drought (10%), unsustainable harvesting methods (6%) as the danger faced by the species that spreads on 92 sq km out of a 3048 sq km potential natural range
Asia Oman Oman Air has opened a unique exhibition at the Stal Gallery in Muscat, combining state-of-the-art multimedia, engaging displays, and a series of interesting artifacts that bring Oman's illustrious aviation past to life
Asia Oman Revenues of 3-5 star hotels in the Sultanate of Oman increased by 34,7% at the end of May 2023, according to the latest data issued by the National Centre for Statistics and Information
Asia Oman Some truck drivers still violate the strict regulations prohibiting transit in rush-hour traffic, with consequent disruptions and safety problems
Asia Oman The Omani cave exploration team is making great strides in the field of cave investigation, having recently explored a cave that may be the deepest, descending to a depth of at least 300 metres
Asia Oman As temperatures rise during the summer season, safety authorities have reminded drivers of the importance of not leaving hazardous materials inside their vehicles to reduce the risk of fires
Asia Oman Registration is now open for the 10th National Prize for Scientific Research, as announced by the Ministry of Higher Education
Asia Oman Hydrocarbons will be the engine of the country's future growth, while the growth rate will remain positive at around 4%, according to financial experts
Asia Oman Following agreements with Palestine, an Omani exhibition will be established in Palestine and a special corner for the State of Palestine will be displayed in the Omani National Museum