Oceania Palau The planned upgrade of the transmitter, studio transmission line (STL) and studio transmission equipment of the government FM station is being supported by $73.925 financial aid from Japan's Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects
Oceania Palau The House of Traditional Leaders (HOTL) in Koror state has accepted 4 new leaders, according to letters sent to Koror state governor Eyos Rudimch
Oceania Palau A large crowd turned out for the public hearing to oppose the proposed law to reopen the Palau National Marine Sanctuary to longline and purse seine fishing, a possibility being considered by the national congress
Oceania Palau Senate Bill 11-42 proposes a process to resolve disputes over traditional titles, arguing that lengthy and costly processes create "persistent conflicts", diminish respect for Palauan tradition and degrade the "solidarity and harmony of Palauan society"
Oceania Palau The Philippines will henceforth accept the country's Covid-19 vaccine certificates, thus facilitating travel between the two countries, especially when direct flights resume
Oceania Palau Attendance was estimated a little less than 50%, Minister Dale Jenkins said of the first day back to school after four weeks of closure due to the Covid-19 outbreak
Oceania Palau The government will issue one-time income loss relief to private sector employees who have lost income due to Covid-19-related illness; only Palauan citizens are eligible
Oceania Palau Since the law provides 30 days for parents whose income in 2020 fell below $15,000 to find a solution to the status of their dependent children, many parents who are not succeeding are facing separation from their children, who are forced to flee
Oceania Palau A deal with Cryptic Labs launches the Digital Residency programme, the first time global citizens can claim digital residency supported by blockchain and a sovereign entity acting as a digital identity with the functionality and validity of a global state
Oceania Palau President Whipps Jr. announced that, in consultation with US climate change envoy John Kerry, the country has decided to reschedule the Our Ocean conference for April, with the aim of attracting many people to attend
Oceania Palau The Senate, in a special session, approved the appointment of Gaafar Uherbelau as Minister of Health and Human Services unanimously by a vote of 12-0
Oceania Palau A pro-biodiversity event was held at the Palasia Hotel in Koror, showcasing local producers, entrepreneurs and artists, which was a big hit with the public
Oceania Palau Digital payment network Ripple will help the country develop its own digital currency; initially its development will be backed by the US dollar to help facilitate cross-border payments