America Panama The Coordinating Commission of Creative and Cultural Industries CCICC, newly created, will be responsible for coordinating initiatives and identifying strategic interventions to improve the country's creative and artistic economy
America Panama Due to a water supply crisis that is endangering the future of the Panama Canal, the interoceanic waterway has been forced to reduce the draft of ships passing through it, owing to the shortage of rainfall
America Panama The country is seeking to be removed from the "grey list" of countries not doing enough to combat money laundering by working to complete a full registry of beneficial ownership of companies throughout the country
America Panama The Fire Department of Panama has warned the population about the rising number of forest and vegetation fires, while the government released a prevention campaign against wildfires
America Panama Along with the Fire Department, the University of Panama has created a University course of study specifically for firemen to strengthen their professionalism and reinforce their academic background and management capabilities
America Panama After months of debate, the country’s Supreme Court has rejected same-sex marriage, saying that it does not consider it "a human right or a fundamental right," despite the numerous appeals presented for its authorisation
America Panama The country has now extended its protected ocean area to over 54% of its total waters, to fortify the preservation of valuable marine ecosystems, endangered species, and essential fishing resources located in its territorial waters
America Panama For the first time ever, the country has classified to enter the Women’s FIFA World Cup
America Panama The government has offered to buy at market value the flooded houses of those affected by Hurricane Sally; not only providing those affected with a new opportunity, but also freeing up land for the development of public infrastructure
America Panama The Panama Canal is celebrating 21 years of reforestation, and has commemorated it with the planting of the area’s 5 millionth tree, representing one tree for each Panamanian
America Panama The former President of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli, has been accused by the US of being involved in "large-scale corruption” and sanctions have been imposed that extend to his close relatives prohibiting them from entering US territory
America Panama 2022 is known as the year of record-breaking inflation levels; however, the country has reportedly been the Latinamerican state with the lowest overall inflation of the past year
America Panama In 2022 the country nearly doubled the irregular migrants crossing its border on the way to the US, reaching approximately 250.000 migrants, over half of them being Venezuelan