America Panama The Panama Canal will still admit Russian cargo ships regardless of the Ukrainian emergency situation, declaring it will stick to its statement of neutrality
America Panama The De Chepo Public Hospital organised a ‘vasectomy day’ where patients could voluntarily get a free vasectomy; the initiative was to incentivise responsabile planning of parenthood
America Panama Authorities signed an official state document that establishes a new tourism industry, more sustainable towards natural resources and respectful the traditions of ancient local communities
America Panama Social organizations and citizens are demanding more transparency about the rocket-high revenues of the Panama Canal, claiming that they should be invested in development, education and healthcare, while that at the moment their destination is not clear
America Panama Panama and the EU launched a climate change plan of action and adaptation called EUROCLIMA+, which consists of reducing carbon emissions, using greener technologies, and increasing international climate transparency
America Panama A rain frog species was newly discovered in the country; it was named “The Greta Thunberg Frog”, in honour of the climate activist
America Panama The Ministry of Labor and Workforce Development announced that there will be a salary increase for all the industries that have shown significant growth this past year, such as the agriculture, fishing, and livestock sectors
America Panama The Panama City Commission approved a plan to install safe rooms around the city to protect public employees in case a natural disaster or emergency were to occur
America Panama In order to fight the increasing homicide rate, the country launched the “Pacifying my Neighbourhood”initiative, where citizens can trade illegally possessed fire arms in exchange of food coupons
America Panama The automotive sector registered a growth rate of 63% this year, which came with new challenges, such as inventory logistics and a production increase
America Panama The Panama Canal will soon begin a US$500 million digital transformation process in order to operate more effectively
America Panama The worldwide rise in shipping prices for consumer goods has led to a 34% increase in revenues for the national maritime industry this year, reaching a new record for the sector and a significant contribution to the country’s GDP
America Panama Due to the rising gasoline prices, and the fact that they are the highest they’ve been in the past five years, carriers, drivers, and truck drivers are holding a national blockade on the streets impacting both circulation and freight activities