Oceania Papua New Guinea The Red Cross urges action in the country given the new wave of Covid-19; less than 1% of the population has been fully vaccinated, even though the government anticipated months ago that it would have enough vaccines by now for all those who wanted it
Oceania Papua New Guinea The country launched its roadmaps for the AFOLU and electricity sectors, along with the implementation plan (2021 - 2030) and climate change regulatory plan as it prepares for participation in the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow
Oceania Papua New Guinea The Chamber of Mines and Petroleum has applauded the signing of the Heads of Agreements for the P'nyang Gas project, highlighting the need for new gas and mining activities to bring in foreign exchange, create jobs for locals and stimulate business
Oceania Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Marape arrived in New York for the 76th United Nations Assembly; he will deliver the country's national declaration today that will be broadcasted on UN Web TV, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
Oceania Papua New Guinea A primary school in the Huon Gulf District has put on a cultural show, after 20 years since the last one was held, aimed at reviving and strengthening the culture of the Busamang community
Oceania Papua New Guinea The country has decided to grant a licence to a state-owned company to develop a gas field, preferring to keep control and income from the resources within the government rather than give a foreign private company the rights to develop the new project
Oceania Papua New Guinea The country, along with others like Canada and the United Arab Emirates, is among the qualifiers for the 2022 U-19 Men's Cricket World Cup
Oceania Papua New Guinea Australian Air Force No 35 Squadron has begun a twin squadron agreement with Papua New Guinea's Air Training Wing, part of the international exchange between the two countries
Oceania Papua New Guinea Self-sufficiency in sugar has been reached, with Ramu Sugar - the country's only sugar and ethanol producer and the largest producer of beef cattle - contributing 49% to the country's economy
Oceania Papua New Guinea The leading supplier of rice in the country, Trukai Industries, funded the state’s Olympic Committee, giving the team the sufficient means to depart for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics
Oceania Papua New Guinea A five-year-old Australian girl has been miraculously found alive on a small island in the country; she had been missing for 36 hours in a small boat
Oceania Papua New Guinea Ms. Samantha Prima, entrepreneur, together with a group of women from Bougainville, are breaking down gender barriers by dedicating themselves to cocoa farming and business
Oceania Papua New Guinea Women enter the three-member Police Promotion Board for the first time in history