America Peru Natural gas will reach the country’s most remote areas thank to the significant expansion of the country's natural gas distribution pipelines that will be soon conducted by the government
America Peru The country’s exports have risen 44.6% year on year, registering one of the highest export growth rates in the world
America Peru The Second Agrarian Reform began this week; the government initiative aims at reviving the agrarian market and help farmers that have been affected by the recession through infrastructure improvement and higher financial inclusion
America Peru The exchange rate reached 4.119 Peruvian Soles for a US dollar, a record-breaking depreciation of the local currency
America Peru In order to alleviate the ongoing food emergency, the government will provide US$24 million in food and basic needs for the impoverished and vulnerable households of the country
America Peru Recent figures show that the country’s agricultural exports have increased 26% since last year, generating a surplus in the agricultural sector of US$ 494.000.000
America Peru The government began meetings to plan and create a Ministry of Science, Technology, and Technological Innovation to provide technological and scientific advancements for the state
America Peru While community protests against president Pedro Castillo took place in many cities around the world, in Trujillo and Lima several ex-congressmen and political figures were part of the manifestations demanding presidential resignation
America Peru After the first week in office, president Pedro Castillo has already received extreme backlash from the media; his economic measures in one week have caused downturns in the stock market and a significant depreciation of the currency
America Peru After the country's longest election count in 40 years, Pedro Castillo, a rural teacher whose supporters included the country's poor and rural areas, was officially declared president-elect
America Peru Azteca Comunicaciones, a subsidiary for the design, financing, operation and maintenance of the national fibre optic network, has seen its concession suspended after a series of unsuccessful initiatives
America Peru Seven more of the appeals by conservative candidate Keiko Fujimori against the result of the 6 June presidential election, which saw opponent Pedro Castillo slightly ahead, have been judged unfounded by the national elections jury
America Peru The Andean New Year was welcomed with the Inca Festival of the Sun, a traditional celebration for which, in the archaeological complex of Sacsayhuamán, 400 artists represented the Inca ruler, priests and the people who made up the empirepe