Africa Republic of the Congo Jacqueline Lydia Mikolo, the Congolese minister responsible for handicrafts, expressed satisfaction at the good health of this sector, but emphasised the challenges, such as the intellectual protection of handicrafts
Africa Republic of the Congo The prescribed clean-up operations of the river market have not yet reduced the burden of waste in several commercial areas of Brazzaville
Africa Republic of the Congo UNICEF in the Republic of Congo announced the appointment of Professor Francine Ntoumi, President of the Congolese Foundation for Medical Research in the Republic of Congo, as National Ambassador
Africa Republic of the Congo The Congo Free Union of Communication Agents has decided to call an unlimited nationwide general strike starting today Monday 15 July
Africa Republic of the Congo As part of the 40th anniversary celebrations, a draw was organised by the MUCODEC -Mutuelles Congolaises d'Epargne et de Crédit - Executive Board for the benefit of members throughout the country and held at the Federation's headquarters in Brazzaville
Africa Republic of the Congo The government will continue its efforts to improve the availability of caesarean kits after a free scheme was set up in 2011 for the care of caesarean section, ectopic pregnancy, emergency care of newborns resulting from a caesarean section
Africa Republic of the Congo Pointe-Noire recently hosted the Festival of Orality, 'Retour au Mbongui', an event that celebrated African traditions through stories, legends and nursery rhymes
Africa Republic of the Congo The staff of the University Hospital Centre of Brazzaville decided to launch a general strike with minimum service in all clinical, medical-technical and administrative services, starting today 3 June, demanding three months' back pay
Africa Republic of the Congo To help reduce unemployment in the city of Nkayi and the department of Bouenza, a new distillery will be opened; it will be able to process 25.000 tonnes of molasses into 6 million litres of alcohol per year from 2025
Africa Republic of the Congo Terminalaux du Bassin du Congo organised a meeting on the topic 'Impact of climate change on occupational health and safety', in order to raise awareness among some 40 employees and sub-contractors
Africa Republic of the Congo An international conference on China and Africa opened in Brazzaville with experts, researchers, policy makers and development actors assessing the impact of Sino-African cooperation on the economic, social and political development of Africa
Africa Republic of the Congo According to a study published by the Congolese NGO Publish What You Pay, only 2% of health projects were implemented between 2020 and 2023
Africa Republic of the Congo About five years after its introduction in Congo, the martial art hapkido is attracting many teenage girls who train at a center in the city of Pointe-Noire to learn how to defend themselves