Europe San Marino Alessia Giaffreda and Sonia Toccaceli, from archery organization Compagnia Sammarinese, have become the first FIARC certified women instructors in the longbow specialty
Europe San Marino The first luxury shopping mall in the Republic's territory has been inaugurated; it is expected to generate a local economic impact of about 40 million, employ 800 people and welcome 2 million visitors a year
Europe San Marino Two sport events are being held today: the San Marino Ekiden Marathon, a relay marathon for teams of 5 runners - including amateurs -, and the San Marino Marathon, an individual marathon for athletes
Europe San Marino For the 'The Vibe is on' concert, taking place today, the company G-Professional has provided 12 dispensing columns with more than 8,000 hand sanitising gel dispensers and 300 hand swab kits for the safe conduct of the event
Europe San Marino The national rugby sevens team will take part in the Rugby Europe Conference 1 tournament starting today in Belgrade
Europe San Marino The paediatric first aid course starts today at the Republic of San Marino State Hospital
Europe San Marino The meetings of the Great and General Council are taking place this week, and can be followed via live radio
Europe San Marino New 'hugging rooms' will be installed where people, fragile for age and/or other pathologies, can return to hug their relatives
Europe San Marino The San Marino-Italy Association gives the Ecc. Regents a copy of the four editions of the Orazione that poet and Nobel prize Carducci gave in 1984 in the Great and General Council Chamber
Europe San Marino The Secretary of State for Tourism Federico Pedini Amati and the Greek Minister of Tourism Harry Theoharis met to discuss the development of relations between the states in the field of tourism and promotion
Europe San Marino To plead for the honorary citizenship of Mrs. Liliana Segre, Italian holocaust survivor, signature collection has started
Europe San Marino The programme of events lasting several months dedicated to the 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri has begun