Europe Switzerland The Swiss are eating more and more foreign chocolate and, despite the increase in exports, the accounts of Swiss chocolate producers are suffering: in 2022, total consumption stood at 11 kilograms, down 2,7% year-on-year
Europe Switzerland It is estimated that over 300.000 elderly people are victims of violence; to break the taboo and prevent such incidents, Pro Senectute - with more than 130 counselling centres throughout Switzerland - is at their side and can provide active support
Europe Switzerland Credit Suisse bank shares rose over 30% after the Swiss National Bank and regulation authority said it it meets the requirements and liquidity of systemically important banks, allowing Credit Swiss to borrow up to $54 billion
Europe Switzerland The Council of States rejected the motion that sought to respond to the request of several European states - such as Germany, Denmark or Spain - to be able to re-export war material purchased in Switzerland to Ukraine
Europe Switzerland The government will invest more than 11 billion francs to improve roads with expansion projects by 2030
Europe Switzerland Gennady Gatilov, Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, says he is closely following the discussions in the Swiss legislature, which could allow Swiss arms to be transferred to Ukraine under certain conditions
Europe Switzerland A shortage of qualified staff is forcing Swiss hospitals to look across borders; for years, foreign care staff in Switzerland have accounted for 30-40% of the sector's workforce
Europe Switzerland Fribourg secondary school pupils will have the opportunity, from the beginning of the next school year, to obtain a bilingual baccalaureate in which one of the two is Italian, an education that also includes a one-year stay in a Ticino school
Europe Switzerland Rents in Switzerland are getting more and more expensive: in 2022, average rents for new or re-rented flats rose by an average of 3%, with some cities showing variations of up to +6,7%
Europe Switzerland According to a survey by Comparis, more than a quarter of the population expects their financial situation to worsen in 2023, mainly due to rising compulsory health insurance premiums and energy prices
Europe Switzerland The country invests 3,15% of GDP in research and development, at 7th position in global innovation rankings; in 2022, 8 major inventions such as a biodegradable paper battery, a smart microphone detecting wolves and an anti-cancer gel have been produced
Europe Switzerland The Swiss parliament has elected two new members of the government, social democrat Élisabeth Baume-Schneider and nationalist-conservative Albert Rösti, following the resignation of two members of the seven-headed Swiss Federal Council
Europe Switzerland Federal government's request to downgrade the wolf from 'absolutely protected' to 'protected' species was rejected by Bern Convention; Federal Department of Environment wanted to give member states more room for manoeuvre in the event of attacks