Africa Togo ANAQES, a national agency specifically dedicated to coordinating the implementation of the Togolese quality assurance system in higher education and research, will soon be active
Africa Togo To implement the electrification of 317 communities with mini-solar grids, Togo received aids from the West African Development Bank and now the African Development Bank is contributing with €3,73 million
Africa Togo Togolese researcher Mawulolo Yomo, a doctoral student in Life and Environmental Sciences, is one of the winners of the 2022 edition of the Sub-Saharan Africa Young Talent Prize, organised by the L'Oréal Foundation in collaboration with Unesco
Africa Togo Last year, the country earned 748,6 billion CFA francs (€1,2 billion) from merchandise exports, growing from previous years, according to the Banque Centrale des Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest
Africa Togo The National Assembly adopted four laws strengthening women's rights, amending previous provisions on the labour code, social security, the personal and family code and the new penal code
Africa Togo The census now underway will help know the social situation of all Togolese, said the Secretary General of Togolese Presidency, sharing the belief that the census is crucial for socio-economic development
Africa Togo The fourth lake in Lomé, which was supposed to protect from flooding the citizens living in the capital, has become an uncontrolled dumping ground, to the point that there are plans to erect a fence to prevent people from accessing it
Africa Togo The government has scaled back the amount it intends to raise this year on the regional money market, aiming for 24% more to cover the government's new budget expenditure
Africa Togo FAO-supported project to strengthen the resilience of coastal communities to climate change through 'an integrated approach focusing on adaptation to best practices and innovative technologies in vulnerable ecosystems' has started
Africa Togo The third edition of the 'Mois du Consommer Local' (Month of Local Consumption) will be held next month
Africa Togo Togolese Football Federation has taken up the challenge of organizing national beach soccer championships in the coming years; as a prelude, a mini-tournament is scheduled during the month of September
Africa Togo The country was praised by the World Health Organisation for becoming the first country in the world to eliminate four neglected tropical diseases in 11 years: Guinea worm, lymphatic filariasis, sleeping sickness and trachoma
Africa Togo A regional cybersecurity hub, the African Cybersecurity Centre, will soon rise in Lomé, with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa helping the country to build the facility