Asia Turkey The shelter created by Arzu Akkoç, an animal lover living in the capital Ankara, has become home to 170 dogs; the philanthropist is asking for help, from financial support to pet supplies or simply spending time with the dogs
Asia Turkey Istanbul's dams are seeing their lowest levels in eight months, with an average occupancy rate of 52%; there is great concern about future water shortages in the country's most populated city
Asia Turkey Industrial production rose 8.7% in July year on year, said the Turkish Statistical Institute; the manufacturing, mining and mining index and the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply index also increased
Asia Turkey Lake Akşehir, the country's fifth largest lake, is threatened by drought and has almost dried up due to years of low rainfall and the misuse of its water for agricultural purposes
Asia Turkey Ayşe Başoğlu, a woman who learned to read and write at the age of 70, wrote a book in one year describing her life experiences: she wants people to read the book and learn the lessons she learned, with less effort than her hard years
Asia Turkey Renewable energy capacity, excluding hydropower, is expected to more than double by 2030, with around 25 onshore wind power projects under construction and another 99 projects in the process of receiving government permits
Asia Turkey Erdogan announced that no construction will be allowed in burned forest areas, promising to focus on replanting after the current fires are defeated
Asia Turkey What is believed to have been food from around 10.000 BC was found in the north-western province of Bursa in a cave that came to light after a landslide; the food remained intact because it was covered in resin until today
Asia Turkey The country's top football clubs have invited their fans to get vaccinated so that people can experience the excitement of watching the game at the stadiums next season
Asia Turkey Over 3.000 attempts of illegal excavations, counting those in known sites only, have been perpetrated by treasure hunters who saw the Covid-19 restrictions as an opportunity to dig up buried artifacts across the country ‘undisturbed’
Asia Turkey A US$15 billion canal project to relieve traffic pressure on the Bosphorus Strait kicked off with a public ceremony on Saturday as workers poured cement into the foundations of a 1.6 km bridge in the western edge of Istanbul
Asia Turkey A floating mass of yellowish-white sea mucilage is threatening marine life in the Marmara Sea, alarming biologists and environmentalists; the Parliament has agreed to set up a committee to investigate and give feedback within 3 months
Asia Turkey Works by Turkish poet Yunus Emre will be translated into Zulu and Xhosa languages by the Turkish Cultural Institute in South Africa